Apr 20, 2011

An Easter Miracle!!! This is an actual blog post!

I figured it's about time to blog again since it's been like 5 months and all. I will back track and update for my own benefit when I feel like it, haha. You are free to read once those show up. I am trying not to allow myself to get Spring fever, since in Utah, Spring never ACTUALLY arrives. We pretty much go from winter to summer and then back again. However, I couldn't resist the urge to trick you all into thinking it's actually Spring. I took pictures of my lovely children. It was like a high of 45 or something, haha. My poor children.

Gwendolyn doesn't seem to be that good at "Make Believe." I tried to get her to just pretend it felt like Spring and well, her face says it all.

I just couldn't get enough pictures of this girl:

Here are some various combos of children:

Not the best picture of us, but I thought I would throw it in there just to show that we still exist. I should really relax my shoulders in pictures!! Ugh! Anywho, anyone want to do a better job of taking pictures of our fam? I am totally open to it!!


Jennie said...

Yeah for the picture of you- so pretty. I really like your hair. And your kids are so beautiful, especially your darling girls!! Gwendolyn is like a mini Danielle.

Lori said...

I've already told you I'd do pictures for you!!!
Sawyer saw that picture of Gwen and said "that girl hurt herself" :)
You're kids have gotten soooo big! And that cute baby Alastair is so very cute!!
yeah for posts! I miss your posts, do more again!

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

I think Liam looks so much like Mark! Duncan does too but in a different way. Good Looking kids!

Julianne said...

Oh man! Your firstborn totally looks like a politician in the making. Love that big boy handsome smile! And I agree with Jennie, Gwendolyn is totally your mini-me.

Marie said...

you're family is so freakin' adroable. All of you are so beautiful!