Feb 15, 2009

Terrible Twos Fiasco Update...

There have been some recent developments with the aspirin story. We were eating dinner last night and were talking about Gwenie eating the aspirin. We were telling Liam that he did a very good thing by telling us right away when he knew what she was doing. Then Liam says, "Yeah, and I gave them to her." I said, "What?! You gave them to her?!" He said, "Yeah, she wanted your medicines so I climbed up your dresser and got them for her." Apparently Liam is still in the midst of his terrible twos. Luckily today has been quite calm and ordinary. But there is still Monday to worry about...


Benson Fam said...

Little stinker- but an honest stinker nonetheless! Someday they are going to chanel all that curiosity and creativity into something non-destructive, at least that's what I tell myself... :).

The Cleverley's said...

Sounds like something Ashley would do. In their minds they are being so thoughtful. (Can't get mad at that, right?) If only they could use their thoughtfulness in sharing toys and not life threatening medications.

Anonymous said...

I havent read your blog in a while but i think that you should be reported. where are you when your kids are doing these terrible things? whats next playing with matches? drinking drano, you deserve mom o the year!

Danielle Smith said...

Thank you, Meg, for you input. Tell me some of your mom stories.