Her drug of choice is Crystal Meth.
Christmas lights at the Smith house.
The masterpiece.
Snowball fight! Take that Snowman!!
I have no idea what this picture is about or why I posted it. Hmmm.
Our Christmas tree would never get hit by a car, it is so reflective!!
Santa came!! Boo yah!!!
Ah yes, Christmas in a packed house.
Last night's sleep did wonders for Gwenie's looks!!
Gwenie filled her diaper to the brim, hence the pantsless legs. Let the Christmas morning chaos begin!!
Mark, I just want to thank you for this lovely picture of me on Christmas morning. Somehow I managed to look angry and 300lbs. all at once!! Go me!! This picture is clickable, so click away!!
Sleeping Beauty.
This is one of the few moments that Duncan expressed happiness during present opening.
She don't need no stinkin' presents. She got candy yo!
Story about this: Christmas Eve I still had to get a few things. I went to TJ Maxx to see what they had. Gwenie kept saying she had to look for something. Then she apparently found it. "Mommy! I found my princess blocks!!" Me: "No, Gwenie that's not...wha?" I look at the price tag "Heck yeah it is!" And I tossed it into the cart.
The party joined us for Christmas Eve and Christmas. We had ham and good junk the first night, then deli trays(by me) the next night. It was a jolly time and we spoke in Russian and British accents most of the time. We are DeShazers, it's just what we do.
Yay!! I am all caught up. Look back to see if there are any you've missed. I posted quite a few today.
I love seeing Christmas at your house! Your commentary is so funny - I'm so entertained! Did Gwenie know that Santa gave her what she saw at TJ Max?
Looks like you guys had a good time. Now I don't feel so bad about the fact that I haven't posted anything about Christmas...maybe I still will now!
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