Apr 8, 2009

The Birthday Cheek Fiasco...

I have always had nightmares about my children seriously injuring themselves. Breaking bones, bones breaking through skin, etc... Nothing like that has happened, or even come close. We did get a little close on Gwenie's birthday. We blew up a bunch of balloons and the kids were all having a great time playing with them. Liam went to get a balloon, but instead dove into the TV stand, hitting his cheek on the edge. I happened to walk into the living room right at that moment, so I quickly picked him up and sat him on the kitchen counter to get a better look at the damage. When I first picked him up I thought that he just dented and scraped his cheek. Then when I sat him on the counter he started to bleed. I began wiping his cheek and realized that he had split it open. It was short but deep. Even after having all these bad dreams I didn't panic, but I just thought it looked really really painful. We decided that we wouldn't take him to the emergency room and try a butterfly band aid first. Geoff ran to Brother Albertson's(since it was Sunday and we shouldn't be shopping) and bought some. Liam wasn't in any pain anymore, so I thought that it really wouldn't be a good idea to go to the emergency room for a couple stitches and painful shots if he was feeling fine(what a trooper!). I was so amazed at the butterfly band aid(Liam called it a fairy band aid the whole day)! What a great concept! It held his little busted cheek together just fine! I must say that I am also amazed at how quickly children heal! His cheek was staying together by the next day and was healing so quickly. Now it just looks like he got a little cut! Here are the gruesome pics!

Right after "The Accident"(You can't really tell how deep it is, but you might just be glad for that, but that it his cheek all open)

One day after "The Accident"(Amazing how well it closed up!)

3 days after "The Accident" (see what I mean by how quickly it healed?!)


The Cleverley's said...

That is really awesome. I gotta get me some of those bandages. Not that my kids have needed them, but I'm sure they will.....and on a Sunday too! We'd have to visit brother Walmart here! HA HA!

The Halls said...

Wow, that's actually very impressive! Maybe he's got Wolverine's power...